Paper Submission Details
A. Guidelines for Paper Submission
We are excited to welcome authors to submit their technical papers for the International conference on North East India AI Summit (NEIAIS-2025) using Microsoft CMT. Please cohere to the instructions outlined below to ensure a smooth submission process:
Accessing the Submission System:
To submit your paper, access the Conference Management Toolkit (Microsoft CMT) via the provided submission link:
Paper Preparation:
Prepare your paper in accordance with the conference paper template below and the guidelines available on the conference website.
- Template in Microsoft Word : Click here to download
After getting the acceptance e-mail of the Paper, the author needs to submit the following agreement to the conference Otherwise, the accepted paper will not be published in the conference proceedings. The agreements are given below:-
- Publishing Agreement Form(Copy Right Form):- Click here to download
- Permission Guideline:- Click here to download
Regular Papers: between 4 to 5 pages maximum (2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charges)
Regular papers should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference. A very limited number of short papers (between 2 to 3 pages) can be accepted based on the review and conference chair’s decision.
- All the submitted papers must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere (authors are responsible for any copyright violations). Papers should be written in clear and proper English.
- The article should start with a title, a concise abstract, and a list of keywords. The primary contributions of the study must be emphasized in the introduction. The similarity index for a submitted article should be as per the condition of the publication group, which may vary over time.
- With the metadata on the first page, the document should be four to five pages long, including metadata.
- It is highly recommended that authors comply with the stated formatting guidelines.
- The Microsoft CMT platform should be used to electronically submit papers in PDF format.
- Each manuscript may have a maximum of 5 authors.
Log in to Microsoft CMT using your credentials and click the “Create New Submission” link.
Fill in the required details, including the paper title, abstract, and author information.
Upload your paper in PDF format as per the provided submission instructions.
Assign appropriate keywords to your submission.
Review Process:With a strong emphasis on quality, for maintaining and enhancing the significance and reputation of the conference to its participants and wider community, our review process can be summarized as follows:
- Authors must prepare the manuscript following the Taylor & Francis template given in the submission link.
- The Technical Program Committee reviews only those papers that develop, argue, and provide results through a single-blind reviewing policy.
- During the review process, the following criteria have to be satisfied:
i) Contribution
ii) Novelty
iii) Structure of the paper
iv) Experimental or Theoretical evidence
v) Scope of the conference
vi) References - For evaluating the papers, the Microsoft CMT scores mechanism will be followed:
a) Strong accept (3), Accept (2), and Weak accept (1)
b) Borderline (0)
c) Strong reject (-3), Reject (-2), and Weak reject (-1) - In all cases, the TPC chairs will work closely. Based on the review reports and the scores, TPC chairs send notifications to the authors along with the review reports/scores:
a. Notification is based on an average score provided by the assigned reviewers.
b. Note that notification, in the first review, will be straight: accept and reject.
c. The papers with an average score less than 0 will be rejected. - For accepted papers, TPC chairs will provide a month for an additional revision, if any. This will be mostly useful for those authors who have received major comments.
- After having revised versions, the exact same set of experts will review them, and one more reviewer will be added in case there exist contradictory review reports/scores.
An example of contradictory review means giving +3 (strong accept) and -3 (strong reject) scores from two different reviewers for the same paper. At this point, PC chairs will invite an additional reviewer. - After having all review reports/scores, PC chairs will make a final decision. The decisions can be categorized into long and short papers:
a. The papers with average scores in the range of 2–3 are categorized as long papers, and the rest of the accepted papers (see item 7) are referred to as short papers.
b. Long papers are of high quality and should be in the range of 4–5 pages at the time of camera-ready submission.
c. Proof of concept (but still a new idea) papers are categorized as short papers, which are in the range of 3–4 pages at the time of camera-ready submission. This also includes position papers, which are portraying a short report of work in progress or an arguable opinion about an issue discussing ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures, or results of scientific research (related to one of the conference topic areas).
NEIAIS-2025 will be held in hybrid mode, where authors shall present their papers either in physical mode at the conference venue or online as per their preference and convenience. The proceedings and certificates will be sent to the corresponding authors through the post in case of an online presentation. However, all matters related to publication and indexing will remain unchanged.
- PPT Template for NEIAIS-2025: Click here to download
Revisions and Camera-Ready Submission:
If your paper is accepted with revisions, carefully address the reviewers’ comments and revise your paper accordingly.
Submit the final camera-ready version of your paper by the specified deadline.
Before submission, the work should be checked for plagiarism with approved plagiarism detection software, such as DrillBit. The similarity of content must not exceed 10%. Any form of self-plagiarism or copying from others' work must be strictly avoided. If you include a model, concept, figure, table, data, or concluding statement from previously published research, ensure that the original source is properly cited. Additionally, the explanation must be in your own words, distinct from the language used in the original research.